bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences

All courses at the bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences are accredited and are therefore nationally and internationally recognized.

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  • Small study groups and modern lectures theatres equipped with the latest technology ensure exceptional study conditions.
  • Part of the philosophy of the bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences includes individual and ongoing supervision of our students on campus.
  • Our Open Door principle forms the basis of an excellent relationship between our students, our teaching staff and our administrative team.
  • Our teaching staff, student counselling, the university administration and the student parliament are all centrally located on campus. This means bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences is a delightfully compact campus for our students.
  • The exclusive roof terrace encourages everyone to linger on campus with its spectacular views.
  • The bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences offers all our students in full-time study comprehensive supervision of their practical training.
  • The lecture modules are delivered in blocks with examinations taking place soon after.
  • For our more than 1000 students, we offer revision notes free of charge as preparation for any second examinations that may be required.
  • The students may complete additional modules from all specialisations free of charge.
  • Guest students and visitors can also attend individual modules with a subsequent recognised examination. Credit points can be earned that may be accredited to later study.
  • Companies can also allow their employees to study individual modules. This can be done during the day, in the evenings and on weekends or even in rotation.
  • At the bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences you can find a knowledgeable contact person to answer your questions at any time of the year Mondays to Fridays from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm.
  • The student parliament represents the interests of the students and is the link to the university administration and the teaching staff.
  • The bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences practises permeability and offers access to professional with practical experience and without a general qualification for university entrance.
  • The courses are characterized by strong industry links, practicality and close cooperation with professional associations.
  • The bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences supports its students during their transition to work life.
  • The dropout rate of less than six percent highlights the exceptional quality of the courses offered by the bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences.

Studying programs

  • Health management
  • Trade management and e-commerce
  • Property management
  • Media and event management
  • Fashion management
  • Human resource management
  • Tourism management
  • Corporate communications
  • Business Management and Engineering
  • Digital Industry 4.0
  • Business Digitization Management
  • Supply chain management


  • ELTS 5.5
  • Certificate
  • Certificate/Achievements
  • Copy of international passport (student and parents)
  • Completed online application form
  • Creative portfolio
  • Apostille

University Fee

Please contact us for price information of university departments.
We will be happy to assist you.


It is sufficient to apply for a visa for school registration. We’ll take care of the rest.

We are always with you

  • We welcome you at the Airport
  • We offer solutions for accommodation
  • We are with you for orientation
  • We complete the official documents you need
  • We provide temporary accommodation
  • Procurement of tickets for public transport
  • SIM Card supply for communication

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